Control: retitle 981413 age: New upstream version (1.0.0~rc1)
Control: severity 981413 serious
Control: block 981413 by 985028


Apologies for letting this wait so long; it was blocked on clearing NEW for
a while, and once it finally did I was too broken to “do the needful.”

This is currently blocked on golang-filippo-edwards25519 getting into
testing, which didn't happen because of the whole issue with NEW requiring
binary uploads and transition requiring source-only ones.

I'm bumping the severity to serious, as the currently-packaged version of
age is IMO unfit for release:
- there are API-breaking and CLI changes compared to 1.0.0~rc1 ;
- having interfaces being slightly-different than expected would confuse
  Bullseye users, esp. if trying to use 3rd-party scripts etc. ;
- upstream does not want to maintain for years utilities etc. that have to
  deal with both versions of the interface (API & CLI)

I will do what I can ASAP to get this resolved.

@Johan: Sorry, again, for letting this sit around; FYI, I'm much more
        responsive if poked over IRC, esp. given how broken I've been.
        I will be reviewing your package shortly.



On Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 09:53:17PM +0100, nicoo wrote:
> Control: tag -1 + patch
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 08:20:37PM +0100, nicoo wrote:
> > However, it has a new dependency ( which isn't 
> > packaged
> > yet; I will create the WNPP bug shortly, and possibly start packaging it.  
> > If I
> > do start, I'll grant you access to the repository  :)
> Packaged [golang-filippo-edwards25519], uploaded to [NEW], and packaged
> age/1.0.0~beta6 : 
> [golang-filippo-edwards25519]: 
> [NEW]: 

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