
On 2021-03-18 18:55, Nilesh Patra wrote:
> On 18 March 2021 8:22:54 pm IST, Andrius Merkys <mer...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 2021-03-15 13:45, Pirate Praveen wrote:
>>> If no one steps in to fix this, then we can consider removing it.
>> Codesearch does not list any uses of node-sass binary. Thus I think it
>> is safe to remove it.
> ACK. This should be done after freeze, right?

I would be better to not ship broken things in bullseye, and remove them
afterwards. I suggest removing it before bullseye, and re-adding in the
next point release.

>>>> Also maybe this bug should be reassigned to
>> node-normalize-package-data?
>>> Is node-node-sass using a compatible version of node-normalize-path?
>>> May be it is expecting a different API? (If the version
>> node-node-sass expects in its package.json is different from the
>> version available in the archive, this can happen).
>> In package.json, node-node-sass does not mention neither
>> node-normalize-package-data nor node-normalize-path.
> It might not be a direct dependency but a transitive one.

True. I prefer leaving it for someone with appropriate knowledge to
investigate further.


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