Le 20/03/21 à 09:58, Sylvestre Ledru a écrit :
control: severity -1 normal
control: thanks

Le 19/03/2021 à 23:53, Laurent Bigonville a écrit :
Package: fail2ban
Version: 0.11.2-1
Severity: serious


Making this RC as this could cause ordering issue during boot and
firewalling rules not being properly applied, feel free to donwgrade

It seem that the deb_no_iptables_service patch removes nftables.service
from PartOf=, but recent nftables is shipping this service and the
bullseye defaults to nft as well

Shouldn't nftables.service be readded?

Not sure I understand why you think this was serious ?

AFAIK, it has been this way for a long time and didn't cause significant issues?!

Bullseye will use nftables by default instead of iptables for what I understand.

PartOf=nftables.service means that if nftables.service is restarted/stopped, fail2ban.service will be restarted/stopped too.

So if the user uses nftables.service to restore nftables rules, it's possible that fail2ban still think that its rules are still present in the firewall and it will not readd them as it's not being restarted.

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