On 4/2/21 9:26 AM, Sébastien Villemot wrote:
> Thanks for looking at this issue.
> I don’t think that creating those symlinks in iso2mesh-tools is the
> right solution. Such symlinks should only be created by the tetgen
> package, otherwise this only creates confusion over package boundaries.
> I think the right solution is to drop the symlinks, and rather to
> create a Debian-specific patch that replaces “tetgen1.5” with “tetgen”
> in brain2mesh.m.

understood. I agree patching brain2mesh and other related demo scripts
is a better solution than the symbolic link, however, iso2mesh has been
used by other widely distributed tools, like brainstorm, fieldtrip etc,
and I am afraid that dropping this link can lead to broken scripts
(unless all upstream codes are patched).

can we upload this temporary fix for now, and I will add a fall-back
mechanism (in mcpath.m
<https://github.com/fangq/iso2mesh/blob/master/mcpath.m>) in the next
release of iso2mesh? once that is added, I will remove the symbolic link.

let me know what you think. thanks


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