* Michael Tokarev <m...@tls.msk.ru> [210405 15:40]:
> In the stock linux kernel, as far as I can see, there's no counting for this 
> info for x86
> architecture, - it is only counted for ia64, powerpc and s390x architectures.

I think this is not quite true. Even on x86, guest_enter_irqoff gets
called by the kvm kernel code (from svm_vcpu_enter_exit). I think
it should just work?

> I'm not an expert in this area, maybe you can find out what ubuntu does here 
> and ask debian
> kernel guys to include the same in debian. As far as I can see, there's 
> nothing qemu can do
> about it as long as kernel itself does not provide a way to update this 
> information.

I guess qemu doesn't need to do anything except use KVM.

If it does not work, probably best to ask the kernel folk if they
have any ideas?


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