Control: retitle -1 inform6-compiler: Set CFLAGS to optimise performance of 
resulting program

On 03-Apr-2021, Nathanael Nerode wrote:

> I retested and realized that most of the benefits come not from
> -flto, but simply from -O2 (or the nearly-equivalent -Og if you want
> better debugging information).

Thank you for narrowing down the beneficial change.

> No optimization flags seem to be used per default during the
> construction of the currently installed package, much to my
> surprise.

This is a surprise. It is probably related to the baroque set of
arms-length upstream packaging of the Inform 6 code base.

Can we make use of the Debian build system for this? Like you, I would
expect that a sensible compiler configuration is detected and applied
by the Debian build system. Is some change to the upstream Makefile

 \      “If sharing a thing in no way diminishes it, it is not rightly |
  `\      owned if it is not shared.” —Augustine of Hippo (354–430 CE) |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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