On 2021-04-13 16:08:17 [+0530], Utkarsh Gupta wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,

> Sebastian Andrzej Siewior wrote:
> > My plan is to get 103.2 into Buster after I spent the day today
> > to look what should be backported and what not.
> Do we not generally backport clamav as-is to buster (of course, after
> thoroughly checking) so as to get the latest release there?

Usually yes, I let it slide (unfortunatelly) and was checking best
options moving forward. After all I need reasons to present to the
release team.

> I ask/confirm because I'd like to further backport this to
> stretch/jessie for LTS/ELTS as well. We generally wait for buster to
> be updated and then we backport to stretch and then jessie.
> Also, once you get the update prepared for buster and plan to release,
> could you also let me know so I get a heads up and thus plan
> accordingly for stretch and jessie?

Sure. My plan for now is to prepare today the release for Buster, deploy
it on one my machines and if nothing breaks open the pu tomorrow.

> Thanks.
> - u


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