> Thanks for your interest for the Debian Vagrant boxes.

Thank you for providing these boxes!

> is the box properly downloaded on your side ?

Yes, after Lucas Nussbaum's re-upload `vagrant box update` works fine again.



Am 17.04.21 um 20:37 schrieb Emmanuel Kasper:
Le 12/04/2021 à 13:14, Christopher Huhn a écrit :
Package: cloud.debian.org
Severity: serious

The latest Buster libvirt image for vagrant gives me a 404, `vagrant box
update` fails.

λ > curl

Thanks for your interest for the Debian Vagrant boxes.

when I'm doing vagrant box update the box is downloaded from

and is properly found

vagrant box update
==> default: Checking for updates to 'debian/buster64'
     default: Latest installed version: 10.4.0
     default: Version constraints:
     default: Provider: libvirt
==> default: Updating 'debian/buster64' with provider 'libvirt' from version
==> default: '10.4.0' to '10.20210409.1'...
==> default: Loading metadata for box
==> default: Adding box 'debian/buster64' (v10.20210409.1) for provider:
     default: Downloading:
Download redirected to host:
==> default: Successfully added box 'debian/buster64' (v10.20210409.1)
for 'libvirt'!

when creating a fresh environment with
        export VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER=libvirt
        vagrant init debian/buster64`
        vagrant up

is the box properly downloaded on your side ?


Christopher Huhn
HPC group
IT department

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