On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 10:53:38PM +0200, Philip Hands wrote:
>Testing the alpha2 netinst shows that it works:
>  https://openqa.debian.net/tests/1463
>whereas alpha3 shows the bug:
>  https://openqa.debian.net/tests/1477
>Those two tests were run with DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 so the syslog should be
>very verbose.
>The intent of the test being run here is to try to open the "installer
>environment" shell first, run df, exit and then do the same again in the
>target. It is not grabbing a screenshot at the right moment to see the
>df bit, but clearly the exit is working in the working test.
>In the broken test, it's not even managing to get to the "installer
>environment" shell, so it seems this bug affects both shells.
>BTW this is AFAIK specific to the graphical rescue mode -- IIRC text
>mode worked fine when I tried it.
>All these tests have been done with BIOS mode boot.

>From checking (as discussed in IRC with Phil), rescue-mode moved from
1.78 to 1.80 between those two builds. The only changes were in
translations, so the problem must be elsewhere. :-(

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
Who needs computer imagery when you've got Brian Blessed?

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