Hi Andreas,

thank you for the bug report!

I had a look at tinymce , and ...
Andreas Beckmann a écrit :
>    [...] wims-modules : Depends: tinymce but it is not installable
> tinymce has been removed recently: https://bugs.debian.org/977149

That is sad: the popcon score of tinymce was 1500 when it was removed
(it has decreased slowly from 3000 in the past)

The upstream developers of wims have embedded a version 5.4.2 of
tinymce, which is more than the last version maintained in Debian: 
3.4.8 which was introduced nine years ago; however, symlinking files
of the package wims-modules to the older javascript module did work.

Now, if I want to keep on maintaining the package wims, which is
important for education as a contents server, there are two possible

1 - revive a debian package for tinymce: I had a look at upstream
    developments, they are very active. Unfortunately, tinymce is
        becoming bolder and bolder. Compiling it requires yarn, and implies
        downloading more than a thousand node modules. I strongly doubt to
        find every of those depedencies already packaged inside Debian.
2 - replace Javascript-enhanced editor areas in Wims which depend on
    tinymce by some alternative code, hopefully providing some 
        *really tiny* editor, not the bloatware that tinymce is becoming.

I believe that only the second option is sustainable, probably by using
ckeditor whose debian package is up to date with upstream's ckeditor4.

Best regards,                   Georges.

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