Hello again,

This is the final boarding call.... will proceed to NMU.

On Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 11:35:44AM +0200, Andreas Henriksson wrote:
> Hello all,
> On Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 03:08:49PM +0100, Bastian Germann wrote:
> > Source: libubootenv
> > Version: 0.3-1
> > 
> > A new upstream version 0.3.1 is available for quite some time now.
> Would very much like to hear from maintainer(s) if and how you'd
> like to proceed on this.

Given there's been no reply on this, I assume maintaners are just
too busy and I'll proceed to help out via NMU.

The upstream commits are all individually important enough that I think
they are warrented to upload and hope they'll make it into bullseye.
Upstream also just released 0.3.2 which is convenient for us so we don't
need to cherry-pick or do a snapshot.
The 0.3-3 (RC bugfix) upload has also recently entered testing.

In other words, we should upload 0.3.2-1 ASAP!

Some questions about debian/gbp.conf though:
- upstream-branch=upstream -> but no upstream branch exists on salsa,
                              maybe you just forgot to push it?
                              please use `gbp push` rather than git.

- upstream-tag=... -> did you mean upstream-vcs-tag? Otherwise you're
                      creating tags under the exact same name as
                      upstream causing collitions and also making
                      `gbp import-orig --uscan` not work!
- pristine-tar -> there's a pristine-tar branch on salsa, but no
                  `pristine-tar = True` in debian/gbp.conf

Unless I hear something back REALLY SOON I'll proceed to push
my (trivial) upstream update without any upstream branch or tags
to salsa git and you'll have to recreate them yourself later.

Would happily hear some feedback if I guessed right about gbp.conf...
also if you see any reason for me not to proceed please speak up now!

Andreas Henriksson

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