
I wonder what the state of this issue is.

I looked at the code and somehow it has a few hints on (at least
partial?) Python 3 compatibility.

Russell, can you give me a short update on how far this got? Can we
somehow get to the goal of making this fully work with Python 3? Maybe
even for bullseye…

It seems I completely missed that Python 2 is still in bullseye,
and spent the last few hours writing a new PAM module in Python, and
used Python 3 features all over the place with the assumption that
Python 2 is gone, then I found that libpam-python is linked against

If there is some kind of to-do list with open points to make it
use Python 3, I will see whether I can help. It would be very sad
if I had to backport my module to Python 2 for bullseye…


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