> > However in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pmix2/include/pmix_common.h the
> > goes further ending in PMIX_COMPRESSED_BYTE_OBJECT 59 with 56 being
> I tried to ensure that pmix_common.h (inside the sources) was unused
> during build, and added an #error inside it. The build succeeded, which
> seems to confirm that it is not used...

Ok I don't get it.

mca_pmix_ext3x.so is in
./debian/build-gfortran/opal/mca/pmix/ext3x/.libs/mca_pmix_ext3x.so in the
local build.

So I guess this must be either
 a) the internal pmix library - or -
 b) a client wrapper that utilizes the pmix library

It links dynamically to pmix.so as you said so it must be option b).

But then against does not have support for value types more than 46.

So I am confused. If you could elaborate this I would be grateful.


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