<HE> Ping?
<Tv> Yes.
<HE> Heya. Have you looked at #356394?
<Tv> only as far as to see twisted changed the api a bit
<Tv> the fix should be trivial
<Tv> do you really care for mc-foo, or are you just running through the
     bug list? 
<HE> Well, I was asked to look at the bug. Just wanted to ensure that I
     don't need to care about it :)
<Tv> the fix is trivial, but the whole thing needs heavyhanded
<Tv> I'm perfectly happy with letting the package be removed until I
     happen to get interested in it again
<HE> Ah, OK.
<Tv> guess I should say so in email, but I'm buried under my inbox
<HE> No problem, I forwarded a fitting remove hint to aba, don't need to
     worry. Are you OK with me sending a quote of the last few lines to
     the bug?
<Tv> yes

BOFH #247:
Due to Federal Budget problems we have been forced to cut back on
the number of users able to access the system at one time. (namely none

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