Am 15.05.21 um 00:26 schrieb Michael Biebl:
Am 14.05.2021 um 12:45 schrieb Guillem Jover:
Ok, that was fast, upstream already closed this as wontfix… :(

So, the only reasonable option I see is to revert this change. That said, it will be a patch we'd have to keep (and maintain) for all eternity. Not sure if it's worth the effort, tbh.

Chris suggested this on IRC:

mbiebl: re sgx: revert the patch for a while until someone shows up with a real 
usecase, or upstream reconsiders?
zeha: good idea!
i know its a bit "kicking the can down the road", but if the fear is "removing 
system groups is hard" (i agree), avoid it until the maintenance cost of not doing it has 
become too annoying?
(also: not having it in debian might yield alternate, possibly better, 

So this is probably what I'm going to do:
- Revert the upstream change for the time being (in Debian/Ubuntu)
- If no one shows up within the bookworm release cycle asking for this group, re-evaluate. Maybe try to poke upstream again. - If someone shows up asking for this, I'd just add it (with the upstream chosen name).


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