Hi Ian,

Thanks for the patch. It's proven very useful while seting up pipelines
on salsa that can be run when a udeb's git repo is pushed, such that a
mini.iso is produced that will make use of a repository containing that

While getting that to work, I noticed that your patch does not deal well
with the repos that aptly produces because they do not include a
Packages.xz, which means that when the Packages.xz is found in the main
repo, it stops searching the devel repo.

That being the case, I've re-jigged things a bit, as seen here:


(BTW I intend to tidy up the commits there tomorrow, as they include
some false starts at present, so probably best to wait until I've done
that before using anything out of that branch)

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
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