Am 08.06.2021 um 20:12 schrieb Matt Corallo:

On 6/8/21 14:02, Michael Biebl wrote:
Is there an alternate way to run things that lxc should instead be recommending? In my interactions with the lxc folks it seems this workaround is only relevant for Debian bullseye, so maybe other distros are patching systemd or changing cgroup settings such that interacting with systemd isn't required.

Are you sure? Which distros are that? Which exact version of that distro?

No, I'm not sure, but that was the response any time I mentioned systemd-run was immediately "I assume Debian bullseye or something". Its possible it also impacts fedora and the Ubuntu folks just have some crazy workaround that doesn't really make sense.

lxc fiddles with cgroups. In cgroupv2 [1] mode, there can only be a single manager of the cgroup hierarchy. In a systemd based system, this is PID 1, i.e. systemd.

Which is why lxc needs to delegate this to systemd in bullseye.
I thought Ubuntu was following Debian here, but apparently they deviate here [2].

Sooner or later they'll switch to cgroupv2 as well, as cgroupv1 is basically dead.



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