
Eduard Bloch (2021-05-24):
> In case you have instructions on the proper process to get this fixed,
> please let me know.


The operations involved don't meet the freeze policy, so we'll have to
wait until Bullseye is released.


 - Import and install an AppArmor profile.

   I would suggest the profile that's maintained upstream
   as a cross-distribution effort there:
   … but that's obviously your call.

 - Do the usual "take over a conffile from another package" dance: add
   Breaks+Replaces against the first version of
   apparmor-profiles-extra that won't ship the apt-cacher-ng profile
   anymore (ideally with "~" appended). We'll need to coordinate.

 - Add build-depends on dh-apparmor

 - Add a call to dh_apparmor in debian/rules.

You'll find full, real-life examples in tcpdump 4.9.0-3, ntp
4.2.8p7+dfsg-1, and evince 3.20.0-2: they all took over AppArmor
profiles that used to be shipped in apparmor-profiles-extra,
which is great.

> apparmor maintenance seems to be a case for the MIA team, their
> contact address is still an Alioth mailing list.

To me it looks like you're jumping to rather drastic conclusions a bit
too hastily here.

FYI, the mailing list you're referring to works just fine. A number of
important and active teams in Debian have chosen to do the same.
For example, it's hard to argue that the Debian Perl group is a case
for the MIA team. It's true, however, that the Alioth mailing list
continuation project is not meant to live forever. We'll cross that
bridge once we get there.

The number of uploads you'll see there should hopefully reassure you
regarding MIA status of the AppArmor team:


(To be honest, this team currently has only 2 active people, each
quite specialized, so like many other teams in Debian it's not
awesomely sustainable. Oh well.)


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