Package: musl-dev
Usertags: rebootstrap

Hi Reiner,

I've notices that musl lacks a #include <fts.h> that glibc provides. Of
course for every glibc header there is a user in Debian and it happens
that libselinux uses this. Obviously libselinux fails to build. Luckily,
we're not the first ones to notice this issue. All the other embedded
distros already know. Just why does musl lack it? The FAQ[1] has an
outdated answer. It's outdated, because glibc now provides fts64.
Anyway, the answer of other embedded distributions is a separate
musl-fts[2] that provides the missing functionality.

I see basically two options now. One is that src:musl includes musl-fts
and that musl-dev also provides musl-fts. That would make things most
simple, because we don't get into any bootstrap dependency weirdness nor
any other issues.

The other option is packaging musl-fts separately. New source package.
New binary package. fts.h users would likely have to depend on a new
libc-fts-dev virtual package provided by libc6-dev and musl-fts-dev.

Do you have any preference here? Can you take care of musl-fts?

I've asked musl developers for why musl-fts cannot be merged into musl
proper, but didn't receive an answer yet.



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