Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi bret,

On Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 12:03:26AM +0200, bret curtis wrote:
> > New packages (ITPs) can go to unstable; (they don't interfere with the 
> > freeze)

Many thanks :)

So lets take a look:

- the watch file seems not to work; (take a look at uscan(1) and
  You can also do some commit-based watch-file with uscan, uscan(1) says how to
  (I doing something like that in dhewm3 and rbdoom3bfg)

- d/control:
  - cmake (>= 3) | cmake3
    - there is no cmake3 package; drop that alternative.
    - the versioned dependency is not needed; even oldstable has cmake > 3
  - shouln't the library package also be named librecastnavigation?
    (it should match the -dev package's name
  - you)

- d/copyright:
  - Can you add a debian/* section with your name to d/copyright?
  - I saw at least one file where the copyright years where 2010 and one file
    under PD not mentioned at all. There is also a font without source. (in the 
    Please review every file and check your copyright file to make sure that it
    is complete.
  - (nitpick: Trailing whitespaces in d/copyright; plz remove…
    as you likely know wrap-and-sort(1) can do that for you.

(for the todo list -- not needed for this upload -- embedded code library: 
  This library is intended to be copied in the source;
  - that copy  seems to be rather old. Maybe ask upstream to update
    to some more recent version?
  - Possibly fastlz should be pacakged… A file search seems to
    indicate that there would be other pacakges benefiting from this as well.
  - Check for more details:
  - It seems only be used in the demo; if you dont use the demo in any way,
    you could Files-Exclude the demo and be done. This would also fix the font

(can be done later too; no blocker for this upload:)
I see a tests folder… Would it make sense to run them in autopkgtsts?

please review your package and remove the moreinfo tag when ready.


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