
I have RTL8821AE, and according to my tests, the device functions
perfectly without "rtl_bt/rtl8821a_config.bin" firmware. So I believe
trying to symlink different firmware to this file for the sake of just
bypassing the error message alone can be unnecessary and harmful.

It appears that this specific firmware isn't provided by the
manufacturer and is missing in the latest Linux kernel at the time of
writing (please check:

For anyone getting other missing firmware errors regarding the
RTL8821AE device, like "rtl_bt/rtl8821a_fw.bin", please install the
"firmware-realtek" package (make sure to add "non-free" component to
your sources list to make this available).

Some Debian desktop installations seem to misconfigure PulseAudio,
which may result in failing to negotiate connection with Bluetooth
speakers/headphones even when your Bluetooth adapter is fully
functional. The symptom of this problem is usually a "Connection
Failed: Protocol not available" message.
To work around this problem, make sure "pulseaudio-module-bluetooth"
is installed, then run the following:

pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover

Best regards,

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