On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 03:18:55PM +0000, Mike Egglestone wrote:
> Earlier, I noticed the upstream mirror I was originally syncing from had the
> same IP as the ftp.CA.debian.org IP. (mirror.rafal.ca) Which is not
> recommended per the policy. I think I just randomly picked it. :)
> I have switched to a different one that provides rsync with a different IP,
> so maybe that will help.
> Thanks again for the tips.
Hi Mike,

it's fine to sync from a mirror that also serves as ftp.CC.debian.org.
What we want people to avoid is to use the ftp.CC.debian.org *name* as
their upstream (because we want to be able to point that name at a
mirror that does not provide rsync).


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