Package: debian-policy


In 4.9 "Main building script: debian/rules", we find the following
paragraph under the description "build (required)":

> For some packages, notably ones where the same source tree is compiled in 
> different ways to produce two binary packages, the build target does not make 
> much sense. For these packages it is good enough to provide two (or more) 
> targets (build-a and build-b or whatever) for each of the ways of building 
> the package, and a build target that does nothing. The binary target will 
> have to build the package in each of the possible ways and make the binary 
> package out of each.


I think the "binary target will have to build the package in each of the
possible ways" part is a remanent from the time Debian did *not* support
build-arch and build-indep.

A much better recommendation would be to have build-arch and build-indep
targets depend on the relevant build-a, build-b (etc.) targets to keep
the build out of the binary target.  Notably they are builds plus the
binary target *can* be run under (fake)root.


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