Hi Agustin,

I have no plan to extensively test your patch, I just quickly tried it.
I do not see "variable is void" in both scenarios any more. I do not
know if the following is an intended change. On attempt of customization
before loading of ispell, with original version I get "CHANGED outside
Customize" and "STANDARD" with the modified one.

I am a relatively inexperienced Emacs user, so I am unfamiliar with
themes. I am quite surprised that it is necessary to redefine defcustom
to change its default value (ispell.el already has defcustom

I am unsure concerning value of emacs stuff in dictionaries-common,
especially since e.g. libreoffice-dictionaries do not provide helper
files. Original ispell.el is able to obtain list of installed
dictionaries directly from aspell and hunspell, so additional files are
not required for `ispell-change-dictionary'. Maybe even menu can be
built from the list of detected dictionaries. I do not expect a detailed
explanation, maybe I just missed some feature and it is described in
some docs.

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