Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock package nemo

[ Reason ]
The patch taken upstream and applied in nemo 4.8.6-2 avoid some issues with favorites

[ Impact ]
Using favorites there is an easy risk to have issue including nemo crash (as reported by users in

[ Tests ]
I did some test the favorites and I was unable to reproduce issues with them using 4.8.6-2, instead with 4.8.6-1 is easy to reproduce

[ Risks ]
the risk should be minimal, is small patch taken upstream was introduced in nemo 5.0.1 (latest stable version is now 5.0.2) already used in linux mint and other distros and from a fast search I not found regression about it.

The diff:

unblock nemo/4.8.6-2

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