If I understand this bug correctly I think I have just come across it.  The 
error message I received was:  "The file integrity check could not be 
performed, you do not have the required permissions to use this drive".
After some searching on the internet I realised that the problem was because 
the DVD had been mounted and thus not able to get read by Brasero.  I opened up 
the final manager, right clicked on the dvd drive and selected "Unmount drive" 
went back to Brasero to try again and voila no more error message.
I think the error message could get updated to either:1. Cite the drive being 
mounted as a possible cause.2. Automatically check if the drive has been 
mounted and give this info to the user.3. Ask the user if they wish to try to 
unmount the drive from Brasero.4. Automatically unmount the drive from Brasero 
without asking the user.5. Do 3 but with an option box to ask it to do 4 in the 

Best wishes,Jack

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