Hi again,

small status update: it seems bookworm (now testing) backports was 
created correctly (yay \o/), but bullseye (now stable) wasn't fixed.

I still doubt release.txt contains the correct instructions to update 
bookworm-backports to suite stable-backports on bookworm release.

$ curl -s http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/buster-backports/Release | head -n4
Origin: Debian Backports
Label: Debian Backports
Suite: buster-backports
Codename: buster-backports

$ curl -s http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye-backports/Release | head 
Origin: Debian Backports
Label: Debian Backports
Suite: bullseye-backports
Codename: bullseye-backports

$ curl -s http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bookworm-backports/Release | head 
Origin: Debian Backports
Label: Debian Backports
Suite: testing-backports
Codename: bookworm-backports


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