On Sun, 2021-08-15 at 15:25 +0200, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:

> If so, I guess that's an RC bug on cruft-ng? It would need to be
> changed to call the locate binary. (I'm not sure whether the database
> format is part of mlocate's API, but in plocate, it's definitely
> private.)

I guess you'll need to discuss it with the cruft-ng maintainer and add
whatever extra APIs are needed to plocate. There is already an open bug
(#976367) about the depends on mlocate though.

Personally, I think instead of adding the mlocate binary package to
plocate, we should have done a proper transition from one to the other,
there aren't that many packages depending on mlocate but not plocate.



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