On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 10:05:39 +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:

> However, ConfClerk has some rendering issues with the schedule of the
> DebConf21 Online:
> * The titles of the talks in Indian languages are often overlapping with the
>   line below (containing the presenters' names) and sometimes with the
>   line above (containing time slot and track).
> * The date on the left side is on two lines despite there's only space
>   for one line and the space is big enough to display week day as well
>   as the date and time zone in one line.

Interesting, thanks for the bug report.
The date/day-of-week hasn't changed in a long time (except for adding
the "time shift" value), and it still work for me locally. I guess
this is some general Qt setting? Maybe qt5ct(1) sheds some light here
(I still have to try if my values in ~/.config/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf may
be non-default).

As for the font of the Indian titles I also see some overlaps.
Not sure if we can a lot against it, but definitively worth a look.

Screenshot attached.


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