On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 01:10:17AM +0200, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> While I can understandt that it's desireable to get rid of custom legacy 
> tools,
> this should be more properly documented.
> I guess a NEWS.Debian entry and some notes in the next release notes would be
> appropriate.
> The problems with xsessions has shown that the deprecation warning to stderr
> might not have been enough, since the tool might be used in places where that
> is never read.
> In principle dropping it might be even security relevant, consider some 
> (ab)use
> like:
> MYBASEDIR=/var/lib/foo        #being readable for anyone but writable only 
> for some user
> MYTMPDIR="$MYBASEDIR/$(tempfile -d)"
> mkdir -p "$MYTMPDIR"
> chown go= "$MYTMPDIR"
> Now with tempfile gone and no proper error handling in above's example,
> MYTMPDIR would be MYBASEDIR, and possibly sensitive data could end up in it
> (now world readable).
> Sure, the above would obviously be an abuse of tempfile,... but people might
> still do it.
> Thus, a big fat warning seems reasonable.

Do you have some proposed text?  I would be likely to end up with a 15-page
screed which would be helpful to almost no one.

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