Sorry for the late reply...

I've finally identified where the problem is.

It appears it's not related to Conky as I thought but to VeraCrypt instead (1.24.23-1 is installed on my Debian 10).

Indeed, everytime I launch VeraCrypt, mount an encrypted volume and then fill in the volume password, I get the following line in my systemd journal along with a popup asking for my user password: l0f4r0 : a password is required ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/home/l0f4r0 ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/uptime

Well done Marc with the "sudo -n" hint.

Actually, VeraCrypt invokes `sudo -n uptime` in order to check if the user has an active 'sudo' session [1]:

//      Test if the user has an active "sudo" session.
// This is only done under Linux / FreeBSD by executing the command 'sudo -n uptime'. // In case a "sudo" session is active, the result of the command contains the string 'load average'.
//      Otherwise, the result contains "sudo: a password is required".
FILE* pipe = popen("sudo -n uptime 2>&1 | grep 'load average' | wc -l", "r");

I could add to my sudoers file something like the following:
l0f4r0  ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/uptime, /usr/bin/veracrypt
but I don't think that lower the security is a good idea.

Maybe using `sudo -n uptime` is simply not the best practice from VeraCrypt as it trigers a priority 1 (alert) in my journal each time whereas it's just an event/test from a software, not a real security issue from my point of view.

I've seen some people recommending another approach [2] like `sudo -l /actual/command/to/run ; echo $?` instead but I'm not sure it solves the issue as this command only checks theoretical permissions, not if a sudo session is already on-going. While we are at it, would you have a personal advice to VeraCrypt on how checking the latter case instead of a sudo on a dummy command please?

Thank you in advance :)



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