Control: tags 863488 moreinfo unreproducible

Никита Кудрявцев wrote...

> for reference: I have two drives, one of which is system and the other is
> for user data, it is mounted in /share.
> I moved /usr/share to /share/usr/share (...)

In other words, you split /usr/ - that scenario isn't supported as it
possibly breaks symbolic links since Debian policy requires them to be
relative within /usr:

| 10.5. Symbolic links
| In general, symbolic links within a top-level directory should be
| relative, (...). (A top-level directory is a sub-directory of the root
| directory /.) For example, a symbolic link from /usr/lib/foo to
| /usr/share/bar should be relative (../share/bar), (...).

So the link /usr/share/misc/magic.mgc is relative but since it points
outside /usr/share/, will likely point to nowhere on your system. FWIW,
the links are made relative during build so it was quite hard to provide
absolute links even if I wanted to.

So if you really want to continue on your a bit unusual file system
layout, you'd have to adjust the link on your own, and possibly every
time the package gets updated.

About man, I have no idea why that one fails, strace -f however should
give you an idea.


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