Package: systemd-container
Version: 247.3-6


machinectl seems to always fail when trying to bind mount a directory
into a container.

Steps to reproduce:

   1. sudo deboostrap bullseye /var/lib/machines/test
   2. sudo systemd-nspawn -M test
   3. Set root password, install dbus…
   4. sudo systemd-nspawn -bM test
   5. sudo machinectl bind test /path/to/some/dir --mkdir
The last command reliably fails with error message:

   Failed to bind mount: Failed to mount: No such file or directory
There is also an error message in systemd journal:

   авг 29 13:24:33 lenovo [18009]: Failed to mount
   /run/host/incoming/5Ok22y (type n/a) on <path> (MS_MOVE ""): No such
   file or directory
It doesn't depend on whether the target directory exists or not.

Bind mounts using --bind=… systemd-nspawn option work as expected.

Алексей Шилин

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