Control: tags -1 + pending

Hi Sophie, hi Raphael,

On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 09:37:46AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> We will come up with an additional MR later today.
Great, many thanks.  I slightly modified the patch to make the fix 
a bit more targeted:  Only the faulty syntax is fixed now, not the 
whole file removed [1].

You'll find the code already pushed to salsa.

If I don't hear back from you, I'll upload the package with the fix 
later today in the early evening.

Concerning the autopkgtests: Can you point me to a package that
implements a test to detect these kind of errors early?

Best regards,


[1] This covers also the case I had here:  After the faulty line, I had
    a correct line, which made the test: 

     $ if ! . /etc/default/atftpd_save ; then echo "Remove broken 
/etc/default/atftpd"; fi
     bash: 69: command not found
    slightly confusing …

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