Hi all,

Upon investigating things further, I noticed that /etc/news/inn.conf listed pathrun as /run/news, which doesn't exist.

I've recently also came across that issue during the migration of my news server to another one.

Thanks Russ for the tip about tmpfiles.d; I confirm it works pretty fine.
Marco, could an /etc/tmpfiles.d/inn2.conf file be added to the inn2 package? Here is what I have in mine:

13:30 news@trigofacile /etc/tmpfiles.d% cat inn2.conf
d /run/news 0775 news news -

Besides, I think rc.news is a good place to ensure the directory exists and bail out in case it does not, instead of going on starting everything. Unfortunately, as rc.news is run as the news user, it won't be able to create the directory in a root-owned one like /run.
Suggestion I'll certainly commit upstream:

--- a/scripts/rc.news.in
+++ b/scripts/rc.news.in
@@ -100,6 +100,12 @@ MAIL="${MAILCMD} -s 'Boot-time Usenet warning on `hostname`' ${NEWSMASTER}"
 ##  RFLAG is set below; set INNFLAGS in inn.conf(5)

+##  Be sure ${PATHRUN} exists and is writable.
+if [ ! -w ${PATHRUN} ] ; then
+    echo "No ${PATHRUN} directory writable by the news user found!"
+    exit 1
 ##  Clean shutdown or already running?
 if [ -f ${SERVERPID} ] ; then
     if kill -0 `cat ${SERVERPID}` 2>/dev/null; then

Julien ÉLIE

« I don't know if it's what you want, but it's what you get. » (Larry

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