Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Fab,

On 12-10-2021 20:04, Fab Stz wrote:
> I noticed that the dependency of each test is added to the dependencies of the
> following tests
> For example: debian/tests/control contains:
> Test-Command: /usr/lib/android-sdk/build-tools/19.1.0/aapt v
> Depends: google-android-build-tools-19.1.0-installer
> Test-Command: /usr/lib/android-sdk/build-tools/20.0.0/aapt v
> Depends: google-android-build-tools-20.0.0-installer
> Test-Command: /usr/lib/android-sdk/build-tools/21.1.2/aapt v
> Depends: google-android-build-tools-21.1.2-installer
> The observer behaviour is:
> - for the test #1, it installs:  google-android-build-tools-19.1.0-installer
> - for the test #2, it installs:  google-android-build-tools-19.1.0-installer &
> google-android-build-tools-20.0.0-installer
> - for the test #3, it installs:  google-android-build-tools-19.1.0-installer &
> google-android-build-tools-20.0.0-installer & google-android-build-
> tools-21.1.2-installer

Can you please specify which backend you're using? This is *not* what
I'm seeing in the runs on ci.d.n which uses lxc. As an example, one of
my packages has Depends mariadb-server in the first test, it doesn't get
installed in the second test [1]. Can you also share the sources (at
least debian/control) of the package that builds
google-android-build-tools-*-installer)? Are you sure -21.1.2-installer
has no Dependency itself on the lower version?

> And so on...
> The packages named here are packages build by the source package that is being
> tested
> Is this expected? I expected to have only the declared Dependency to be
> installed, but it seems they are cumulative.

That's indeed not expected behavior.



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