Source: cyrus-sasl2
Priority: important


Considering helping you with the package (you RFHed it), I had a look at it.
Please reconsider the package license, at least for the patches. Currently you have debian/* licensed under GPL-3+, which means that all the debian/patches/* files are GPL-3+. This has two problems:

1) cyrus-sasl2 is a basic package that is used by many packages that might not expect to have GPL-3+ in their dependency trees. Especially GPL-2-only licensed packages are not compatible with GPL-3+.

2) Supposedly, GPL (any version) itself is incompatible with the advertisement clause in BSD-4-clause. While the University of California has issued an official statement that this clause can be ignored for their software, I do not know of any such statement from Carnegie Mellon University. So it should be fairly controversial if Debian's patched cyrus-sasl2 binaries are legally distributable.

Maybe, some of the patches are not copyrightable, but a clarification would be very appreciated. I am also copying Dima as he is not listed on the current Uploaders list but is one of the copyright holders.


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