Dear colleagues,

Nine years after this bug had last activity upon I hit it :)

I was trying to cross-compile Kodi for armhf on amd64 and noticed that apt-get 
treats arch:all build-dependencies as arch:native and fails to find them.
Furthermore, packages providing the implementation of virtual packages from 
Build-Depends list (aka "Reverse Provides") are treated the same way.

Since Wookey vetted Steve's apt-get patch I decided to work around this bug in 
pbuilder-satisfydepends-apt and filed the MR#20 on Salsa:

I tested that one building Kodi, its addons and several other random packages.
Vasyl Gello
Certified SolidWorks Expert

Mob.:+380 (98) 465 66 77


Skype: vasek.gello
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