Control: tags -1 + patch

Le samedi 04 septembre 2021, Daniel Leidert a écrit :
> While building a PDF we stumbled upon an issue. Some of our XML files contain
> screen elements with non UTF-8 characters. When we enable scaling for listing
> elements:
> <xsl:param name="literal.extensions"></xsl:param>
> dblatex fails. The produced .tex files then contain line such as:
> \begin{lstcode}[escapeinside={<:}{:>}][scale=false,firstnumber=1,escapeinside={<t>}{</t>},moredelim={**[is][\bfseries]{<b>}{</b>}},moredelim={**[is][\itshape]{<i>}{</i>}},]

Upstream has provided a patch in

Can you test it and report back whether it helps? If you can send your
feedback directly to upstream that would be great:

Thank you in advance.
Raphaël Hertzog

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