
I ran into this problem with an old self-maintained dbndjb 1.05-9
package's tinydns, but mine hung after just one or two queries after a
recent upgrade (including libc6 2.32-4) and reboot.

My ./run file was:
exec envuidgid tinydns envdir ./env softlimit -d300000 /usr/bin/tinydns

I tried running manually with strace interspersed, but that refused to
start until I dropped the softlimit -d300000 (data segment size), and
then it ran fine. That got me to thinking that the problem is running out
of memory. So I bumped up -d300000 to -d350000 in ./run and tinydns runs
quite well now.

The tinydns 1.05-13 package uses chpst (from runit) instead of softlimit
(from daemontools), but I think the intent is the same.

I conjecture that something in libc6 2.32 increased the size of the data
segment. The work around/fix is to increase the data segment limit in
tinydns package's ./run file.

Ideally, tinydns should detect the problem and complain. That would have
saved a lot of frustration.

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