Hi Dorota and Carsten,

First of all, sorry for not seeing any of those emails, I guess I’m not subscribed to the team’s mailing list. Unfortunately, it is too late now to merge your MR, as I’ve re-done this myself already.

On Thu, 21 Oct 2021 19:49:50 +0200 Carsten Schoenert <carsten.schoen...@puri.sm> wrote:
So currently the Debian packaging is adding a version 0.1.0 to the created shared library files while upstream is still using 0.0.0. I think it's not correct to still use the Debian added version and the patch should be dropped. OTOH the library isn't real versioned nor is using a stable ABI/API. I've no idea how the future plans of upstream are.

Indeed, I will drop the patch. From my comment to the MR:

> * The upstream source should be imported to the upstream branch and
> then merged to the packaging branch — gbp import-orig would do just
> that
> * If you’re dropping patches, the commit message needs to state why —
> the soname patch is necessary, for example.

I see now there was indeed a reason to remove the patch — stating it in the commit message would have helped me understand why.


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