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Michael Hatzold hat am 19.11.2021 geschrieben:
> When using reportbug-gtk I now cannot close it (the window) anymore, not even
> after sending the email.  I can minimize it, but not close. I have to open a 
> VT
> and pkill or ctrl-C it (when opened in a VT)
> It used to work, and klicking the "x" in the title bar should close it.

Does this happen in all stages of the graphical dialog from the initial welcome 
screen to the last thank you screen?

Does the problem also occur when you use some other window manager or desktop 
environment, or is the problem specific to fluxbox? Do you observe similar 
issues with other GTK applications?

Since you say it used to work, can you try to narrow down when it stopped 
working? Which specific change triggered the difference between working and not 
working? Was there an upgrade of some particular package involved?

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