I've written a unit so I can run fetchmail under systemd as a user service.
I'd suggest that the file /usr/lib/systemd/user/fetchmail.service (see
below) be included in the package.

It would also make sense to describe how to actually enable it, by
putting something like the following into


To run fetchmail as a systemd user service, for an individual user:

(1) Configuration

Set up your .fetchmailrc so that "fetchmail --nodetach" actually
fetches your mail correctly.

(2) Tell systemd to run it as a service

Allow daemons to keep running after you log out (optional):
$ sudo loginctl enable-linger $USERNAME

Make the service available:
$ systemctl --user enable fetchmail.service

Actually turn it on:
$ systemctl --user start fetchmail.service

Monitor it, to check if it's okay:
$ systemctl --user status fetchmail.service

Monitor it harder:
$ journalctl --user -xeu fetchmail.service



In the below fetchmail.service file, I'm not sure if the "ExecStop="
command is a good idea. If you just leave that line out, systemd will
kill the process using its own mechanisms, which are effective but
perhaps a bit brutal. Might be more robust to just leave it out.

It's currently set to wake up every 5min. Not sure how to make this
default nicely but still be easy to change. Perhaps some systemd
wizard can help?


$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/user/fetchmail.service
Description=Fetchmail Daemon

ExecStart=fetchmail --nodetach --daemon 300
ExecStop=fetchmail --quit


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