On Fri 26 Nov 2021, Christoph Biedl wrote:
> Paul Slootman wrote...
> > I have 2 MD raid devices which are encrypted.
> (...)
> > I can't find any hints on how to proceed from here, to have the second
> > device also automatically unlocked. Do you have any idea?
> > I can't be the only person with more than one LUKS-encrypted device.
> Strange - at a first glance it seems this is
>     https://github.com/latchset/clevis/commit/v16-2-g0abdfbc
> That change however was included in 16-2, the version you're using.
> Actually, that change was the reason for 16-2.

That would trigger if at that moment both devices are decrypted at the
same stage. Before I installed clevis, I would first get the passphrase
prompt for the first device during the initrd step, and then after the
root filesystem is decrypted and mounted, only _then_ did I get asked
for the passphrase for the second device. That happens via the
/etc/init.d/cryptdisks-early script which is linked to
/etc/rcS.d/S08cryptdisks-early .

The reason I think is that the second device is not needed to boot the
system. Presumably there is some way that the initrd scripts determine
what devices need to be decrypted; my problem would probably go away if
the second device gets added to that list.

Note that I'm one of those old beardy unix people that don't want to
like systemd... I see that there is a clevis-systemd package that
perhaps should need a clevis-sysvinit counterpart. If that is indeed the
case, then I understand if you'd want to tag this "wontfix". However it
would be nice if there was some way to unlock all devices during the
initrd step.


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