Hello Jonathan,

Am 27.11.21 um 08:13 schrieb Jonathan Krebs:
Thanks for the reply.

Could you please explain, why Thunderbird should not set it? And do
you know the intended use of the variable? >
On Fedora, Thunderbird and Firefox each set it.

you only addressed the bug directly (after Mike has reassigned the report to Thunderbird), so Mike didn't get your message reached I guess as only the package maintainer will get messages that are addressed to the bug number. To get your message/question/comment to a dedicated person you will need that person explicitly added to the participants.

But yeah, I have the same question, so Mike please, it would be nice to hear some thoughts from you why setting MOZ_APP_LAUNCHER isn't something we should do and what other options we have.

I'm far away from knowing the internals of the source of Thunderbird like you do.


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