On 1 December 2021 11:01:12 pm IST, Andreas Tille <ti...@debian.org> wrote:
>But this is set[3].  If not Salsa-CI should fail.

You are testing it on a different version than in testing that's why it passes. 
If you want to validate, trigger CI on the upload commit for 0.12.1-4

>Moreover, the issue
>is not connected at all to any r-bioc-* package since those packages
>do not trigger any warning (which is actually issued by libgclib (may
>be an upload of this package has triggered any failure - but it remains
>unclear why).

Actually, it started issuing a warning with regards to some white space/tab 
problem. Something else changed and it is already failing in testing.
But yes, it has little to do with any bioconductor package here.

On 1 December 2021 11:04:13 pm IST, Andreas Tille <ti...@debian.org> wrote:
>But may be if you can work around this with some hinting that is the
>easier solution here

Yep. That'd be awesome.

But we should make a list of all such packages and ping for Graham/Sebastian to 
propagate the hints accordingly. Probably that's what Graham wanted to say in 
the first place.


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