On Sat, Dec 04, 2021 at 01:21:18PM +0100, Bastian Germann wrote:
> Please fix https://salsa.debian.org/debian/luakit/-/jobs/2244789
> and I am going to sponsor.

Well, I would, if I could reproduce it; I've tried building in an
unstable-amd64 pbuilder three times, and it finished just fine every

Now, I remember having seen these doc building failures now and
then in the past, and I had hoped they were gone after a more careful
treatment of the lua-filesystem dependency, but alas, they aren't.
My working hypothesis is that it depends on the state of lua's hash
function, which could change the sequence in which the documents are

I'll try to poke on this a bit more when I find time, and I'll
finally take this upstream, where someone with a bit more insight
into the doc building might immediately see the actual problem.

Meanwhile, I suspect just re-running the pipeline would hide the
problem for this round.  Ahem.

         -- Markus

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