Yes, sorry for having caused this inconvenience

I repeat and extend the OP:

1st error:

fstrim --verbose --all

reports nothing, but should due to --verbose

2nd error:

fstrim --verbose /

gives a wrong error message "fstrim: /: the discard operation is not

This happens on Debian 11.2 Bullseye on an Intel hardware

The root file system is a RAID1 software array, but on a second Intel
hardware with only one SSD, same Debian version, the behavior of fstrim
is the same

On a Raspberry Pi with Debian 10 Buster, everything works fine:

fstrim --verbose /
/: 196.9 MiB (206516224 bytes) trimmed


fstrim --verbose /
/: 0 B (0 bytes) trimmed

On both systems, the version of fstrim is the same:

fstrim --version
fstrim from util-linux 2.36.1

If I use the command from fstrim.service on Debian 11:

/sbin/fstrim --listed-in /etc/fstab:/proc/self/mountinfo --verbose

I also get no output

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