Norbert Preining dixit:

>Fontseries combines weight and width, and thus theoretically any
>combination of weight (ul,el,l,sl,m,sb,b,eb,ub) and width
>(uc,ec,c,sc,sx,x,ex,ux) are possible.
>So c = width, b = weight, can be combined.

Yes, they *can* be combined.

If I do \fontseries{bc}.

But not if I do \fontseries{b} even if the previous
paragraph used \fontseries{c}.

At least not according to both intuitive understanding
and any kind of documentation I could find.

If you find whatever official documentation says different,
please do share… I couldn’t find that.

22:20⎜<asarch> The crazy that persists in his craziness becomes a master
22:21⎜<asarch> And the distance between the craziness and geniality is
only measured by the success 18:35⎜<asarch> "Psychotics are consistently
inconsistent. The essence of sanity is to be inconsistently inconsistent

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