Package: virt-viewer
Version: 7.0-2+b1
Severity: minor

Try the following command (optionally add something like
-cdrom ubuntu.iso):
     qemu-system-x86_64 -display spice-app
Actual result:
qemu-system-x86_64: info: Launching display with URI: 
qemu-system-x86_64: Failed to launch spice+unix:///tmp/.XXGMF1/spice.sock URI: 
The specified location is not supported
qemu-system-x86_64: You need a capable Spice client, such as virt-viewer 8.0
Expected result:
no such error, with additional arguments VM is started.

Actually virt-viewer-7.0 (buster-sid) supports spice+unix scheme
but it is not specified in remote-viewer.desktop.

Upstream commit fixing this issue is included since v8.0 tag:
remote-viewer: add handling of spice+unix and spice+tls schemes

Accordingly to
virt-viewer 11.0 is available since Friday November 18th, 2021

I hope, the best way to fix the issue is to package new version,
however I have not tried to build it, so some complications may exist.

Add to ~/.config/mimeapps.list
---- >8 ----
[Added Associations]
---- 8< ----

Besides qemu shortcut it will allow to launch handler using e.g.
    xdg-open spice+unix:///path/to/socket

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